The Direct Selling Association of New Zealand (DSANZ) is the national trade association and voice of New Zealand's direct selling industry. With its members, and particularly their commitment to professional standards, the DSANZ builds awareness, understanding and credibility for its retail channel with government, the media, consumer bodies and the public.
LeRêve is a proud member of the DSANZ and is strongly supportive of the DSANZ’s Code of Practice and other activities which support the growth of this wonderful ‘people’ industry throughout New Zealand. Kimball Hobby, Marketing Director of LeRêve, is honoured to serve on the DSANZ Board.
Click below to access the DSANZ website.
DSANZ Website
Direct Selling New Zealand Code of Practice
Compliance with the Code of Practice is an ongoing requirement of DSANZ membership. Through our Code of Practice, members commit to high standards of ethics in their business dealings. The Code establishes ground rules for dealing with consumers and potential direct sellers which promotes informed decision-making in an environment of increased confidence and transparency.
The Code of Practice gives peace of mind and protection to direct sellers and consumers. Sellers who represent DSANZ Members must also comply with the Code of Practice thereby contributing to an ethical marketplace based on robust consumer protection standards.
The Code of Practice ensures that DSANZ Members must:
• provide proper contracts which include contract cancellation rights for the direct seller
• not require or encourage a direct seller to unreasonably purchase inventory
• repurchase on reasonable terms any marketable inventory held by a direct seller
• provide the direct seller with adequate training to comply with the requirements of the law and Code
The Code of Practice ensures that Independent Representatives of DSANZ Members must:
• be open and transparent in their recruitment and presentation of the business opportunity
• only contact customers at specified times
• provide appropriate information about the product
• inform the customer if a product is not delivered with seven days after an agreed date
The Code of Practice ensures that consumers of DSANZ Members:
• will not receive false or misleading claims concerning a products standard, quality or performance
• receive sufficient time to examine and be satisfied with any contractual documentations
• receive a copy of an agreement for the supply of a product
• receive a cooling off period for all transactions of up to 10 business days
In addition, the Code of Practice provides a reliable and impartial system for resolving issues.
Click below to access the complete DSANZ Code of Practice.
DSA Code of Practice